What to Do If You Feel Unsafe at Work
Regardless of your field of work, you are entitled to a safe workplace. In fact, your employer is required by federal and state law to ensure that your workplace is safe for you and your coworkers. Of course, accidents do happen, but all employers are required to take the steps necessary to...
Steps to Take After Being Wrongfully Terminated
Losing your job is never easy. However, being let go is even worse when you are terminated in violation of the law. There are several illegal reasons to terminate an employee, including those based on one’s protected status. In this article, we discuss some steps to take after being wrongfully terminated.
What to Look for Before Signing a Severance Agreement
A severance agreement is a legal contract that an employer may ask a worker to sign when he or she is terminated or otherwise leaves employment. If your employer requests that you sign a severance agreement, you should carefully review it with an experienced employment law attorney. There are several...
Recognizing and Reporting Sexual Harassment
As an employee, you have the right to work without fear of suffering harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is prohibited in the workplace by law, and you should report such behavior as soon as it occurs. In this article, we explain how to recognize and report sexual harassment.
What to Do When Your Employer Doesn’t Pay You
A fundamental aspect of working for an employer is receiving a paycheck. Without pay, you are simply doing volunteer work. However, employers sometimes withhold either full or partial payment from their employees without legal justification. If your employer has withheld payments from you, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your...
Major Employment Law Changes in 2024
Whether you are an employee or employer in the state of Rhode Island, it’s important to keep abreast of the latest federal and state employment laws to ensure compliance. Several important employment law changes became effective in 2024. In this article, we highlight some of the key federal and state employment law...
Employment Law Myths Debunked: Know the Facts
There are a multitude of laws designed to protect the rights of employees in the workplace. Unfortunately, however, there is a lot of misinformation out there about employment law. As an employee, the failure to understand your rights in the workplace can have serious negative consequences. In this article, we debunk some...
Your Rights to Overtime Wages: What Misclassified Employees Need to Know
Employers sometimes misclassify their employees in an attempt to avoid paying them what they are owed. Unfortunately, this practice is quite common, and it leaves employees overworked and underpaid. If you believe that your employer has withheld payments from you, you should contact an experienced employment law attorney for assistance. In...
The Role of Employment Lawyers in Protecting Employee Rights
As an employee, you expect to be treated fairly by your employer. Although many employers do a great job and comply with the law, some take advantage of their employees. When this happens, many employees find themselves unsure of what to do. If your rights as an employee have been violated, you...
4 Tips for Documenting Evidence as a Whistleblower
As a whistleblower, it’s important that you take the steps necessary to make your case a success. One of the most important aspects of a successful whistleblower case is evidence. For your case to succeed, you must compile relevant evidence. In this article, we discuss four tips for documenting evidence as a...